“We believe in, if you take good care of your horse, it will bring the best results. Its really important for us, that we provide the best conditions. Thats why our horse is at Healthy Horse, who shares the same values, by giving the best feed, and long paddock time, every day in green arieas. But the most important
- we spend time with our horses, just to make them feel safe and loved”
“We take the green transition very seriosly. One of our goals at
Saturday Racing Club is to raise more awareness about the 17 sustainable development goals. In cooperation with Reduktion, we will make our own events, which could be to plant eel grass in our ocean, for a better living environment for the animals who lives in the sea”
“Who doesnt love a good story?
We have a special weakness for the royal family of Denmark, and all of the great battles and achievements it has giving our story books. Thats why
some of our companies, and the name of our horse, are inspired by the fantastic people through time, and their conquests."
The Lodge, is a exclusive club for members who shares our values and interest.
If you want to be a part of The Lodge, you will be recieving invites to events, being part of donating to the good couses, and become one of our partners.
We will update you everytime, you´ve been a part of a change in the world.
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CVR: 44033291